Why Metaliteracy is Critical for People Over 55

Recently, Caitlin Manner, an author for the publication 55+ Life, interviewed Trudi Jacobson for her article, “Learning Curve,” on the value of MOOCs for those who fit the magazine’s age demographic. (The article is in the Fall 2023 issue, pages 38-39). During that interview, Trudi introduced Caitlin to the concept of metaliteracy. Caitlin included information on the Coursera MOOC Metaliteracy: Empowering Yourself in a Connected World in the “Learning Curve” article, but then delved more deeply into the meaning and value of metaliteracy. She went on to write an article on it for the 55+ Life website entitled The Importance of Metaliteracy for People 55+.

As she noted in the essay:

It is increasingly critical for everyone to assess their own metaliteracy and continuously work to improve it. This will not only prevent you from falling prey to “fake news,” but it can impact your hireability, your mindset, and your ability to navigate an increasingly online society. 

Caitlin Manner. (2023, September 25). The Importance of Metaliteracy for People 55+.55+ Life, https://55pluslifemag.com/the-importance-of-metaliteracy-for-people-55/

Caitlin wrote in an email to Trudi, “[O]ur conversation has made me tell just about everyone I know about the importance of metaliteracy…I’m fascinated by it.” We are delighted that this is the case, and that she wrote such an accessible article about metaliteracy for the magazine’s online readers. She highlights the evaluative, reflective, and societal benefits of metaliteracy, and notes the important factor that we are, each of us, creators of information. The article posits three main reasons that metaliteracy is critical for those 55 years old and older:

  • Protecting yourself and others from inaccurate information
  • Enhancing your employability in the gig economy
  • Providing a means for social justice

The article ends, “If you’re at all interested in maintaining your elasticity of thought and staying open-minded, metaliteracy is one way to do so.”

We would love to hear your feedback about the article and this application of the metaliteracy model. Feel free to reach out to us with your feedback.

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