Metaliteracy Featured in Virtual Prestige Lecture at North-West University in South Africa

As part of their honorary appointments as Extraordinary Professors at North-West University in South Africa, Tom Mackey and Trudi Jacobson delivered a new Prestige Lecture about Metaliteracy and Multimodality. The slides, audio file, and video recording for this lecture entitled Combining Metaliteracy and Multimodality to Develop Metaliterate Producers are now available. This newest Prestige Lecture is based on the second chapter from Tom and Trudi’s book Metaliteracy in a Connected World: Developing Learners as Producers that was published by ALA Neal-Schuman in 2022.

Look for Trudi and Tom’s follow-up workshop entitled Adapting Metaliteracy OER to Multimodal Teaching and Learning Practices on September 5 at 9am EDT.

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